Monday, March 06, 2006

the most daunting campaign in a while

I was waiting at the pharmacist today to pick up my cough medicine when this truly terrifying key visual of a cellulite lotion campaign caught my eye:

Some dickhead junior art director (2 months ago he was still a trainee; and since they cannot afford to pay him more, they promoted him to junior AD) must have had one helluva time when he made this. Check this out: It is a "Customer loyalty pass which you are supposed to keep and have stamped by your pharmacist any time you buy a new Vichy Product. I beg your pardon, Sir, buying cellulite products in itself it indignifying enough. Who would want to be subject to the speculation that your butt's skin might be anyhow near to complexion of a leather couch???

And that dickhead AD couldn't even resist the urge to come up with yet another equally daunting composition:

When I advanced in the queue, the woman behind me got to stand next to the brochure dispenser - and she seemed to be equally repulsed.