Sunday, September 03, 2006

Don't shout!

The other day someone who I thought I liked yelled at me. We had a disagreement regarding the interpretation of a situation, and our views were rather irreconcilable. But even if she had been right (which she wasn't;-), I still keep pondering this incident. What's the point of shouting? Getting the anger off yer chest? Well done, you, it doesn't really enhance the quality of your argument, quite on the contrary. People who shout at you just don't look like people you like any more. They look ugly. They look like someone you don't want to know.

Makes you (me) wonder and question in general why people keep shouting at each other when they actually mean to settle differences. I guess that I have shouted at people a couple of times in my life too, in particular at family (at friends I haven't shouted much, I don't think - *relief*).

Bottomline: Shouting, if justifiable or not, is pretty unattractive. Look at this angry fella: Would you like to chill with this chap?

(That's actually quite an accurate rendition of what she looled like when she shouted at me, I have to say... picture found here: [03/09/06]

Either way I look at it: I just don't like her as much as I did before anymore.